04 April 1991, 13:05hrs, Agra UP![]() |
Birth Chart |
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Navamsha |
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Birth Chart |
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Navamsha |
This chart brought to me by native’s father with set of questions
- Will my daughter get married?
- When will my daughter get married?
- Some Astrologer told her father that her married life will not remain good at all.
- So what remedies I should do to have kept her future married life well.
Our Analysis
- Native is having Cancer ascendant and Scorpio as a moon Sign. Both these signs are watery. It represents instability in her life.
- Her nakshatra is Jyestha, as per phaldeepika stree adhyay girl born under this constellation will have unlucky married life. Further, Saturn Rahu combination in seventh house is also confirming the above statement.
In primafacie situation is quite negative for the native. But being skeptical we need to check the chart on micro level.
- Married life is to be judged by Seventh house, seventh lord from Lagna and Moon, Karaka Venus and navamsha chart. (There is Darakarak too!)
- Seventh house: - Capricorn Sign in which its lord Saturn and Rahu are placed. Bhagya Adhipati Jupiter is aspecting seventh house.
- Seventh lord: - Saturn being seventh lord is placed in its own house. With a friend Rahu. Although both have separative tendency but still, being in own house Saturn will safeguard the house.
- Venus represents marital bliss. It’s a karaka of romance. In this chart Venus is in the Kendra with mutual friend. In 10th house Venus lost its directional strength. So, situation of Venus is not very strong.
- Decisive factor Navamsha –
- Navamsha is the divisional chart which helps in predicting the actual situation of married life. In navamsha Jupiter become seventh lord and placed in lagna. Lagna adhipati, Mercury is in the ninth house aspected by ninth lord Venus. So, this chart is creating remarkable aspirations with her married life.
We should not forget the impact of ninth lord in a chart. Bhagya adhipati is considered to be the best planet of the chart. In her case, either you see this chart from lagna or Moon sign, ninth lord is aspecting Kalatra Bhava (7th house).
Our predictions
- Yes your daughter is going to be married.
- Current Dasha is of Venus- Venus. Upcoming antar of Sun will give marriage. Seventh house mid cusp is in the nakshatra of Sun. So, Sun become sookshma adhipati of seventh house.
- They should search bridegroom, who belongs to other caste or a guy who is much older than that of girl. (Saturn-Rahu combination)